Securing Mobile Security with Bluebox

Software Security Meets Cybersecurity. Bluebox needed a vendor to conduct a mobile security assessment of their solution. Bishop Fox established that security was the foundation of their software.

Bluebox engaged Bishop Fox to assess the security of their security solution. Bishop Fox conducted a thorough review of the solution, including the online portal. Bluebox’s engagement with Bishop Fox represents their commitment to the security of their solution and providing peace of mind to their customers.

The Challenge

Watching the Watchmen

Bluebox boasts leading talent in mobile application development and security on their team, so choosing a trusted advisor meant choosing someone they all could agree on as the best. Co-founder Adam Ely reached out to
Bishop Fox’s leading Android and iOS experts for help in performing a mobile security assessment of their security products.

"Bishop Fox is like the doctor’s doctor. There was no debate where we would go to ensure the state of our security product."

--Adam Ely, Bluebox Co-founder

“They are the mobile security leaders; we’re a mobile security company. It just made sense.” As the chosen security vendor for a security vendor, Bishop Fox was ready to get to work.

Forming a Partnership

Our team performed mobile security assessments for Android and iOS, web application penetration testing and external penetration tests of Bluebox infrastructure and online portal to give them an accurate picture of their state of security. Through successive iterations of testing, we helped Bluebox find and iron out some of the most sophisticated and complex bugs that regular testing and scans don’t cover.

"The Bluebox security team is super sharp and was always on the ball to get us what we needed, when we needed it. We talked with Bluebox’s team daily about findings, fixes, and functionality."

--Carl Livitt, Principal Researcher at Bishop Fox

“Bluebox has clearly put their money where their mouth is when it comes to building a novel, sophisticated mobile security platform.” The daily meetings allowed both teams to get technical and dive deep into discoveries at a level not often reached within the scope of many other mobile security assessments.

The Result

Mobile Security Success

Bluebox implemented Bishop Fox recommendations and solutions to strengthen their security controls and improve their monitoring, auditing, and security event aggregation.

"We wanted a firm whose name carried weight for those in the know. We weren’t looking for a rubber stamp approval from just anyone. We wanted real mobile security testing to know where we could improve for our customers."

--Adam Ely, Bluebox Co-founder

Bishop Fox helped prepare Bluebox to serve their own customers and to provide assurance that security wasn’t just the top priority, but that security was the foundation upon which Bluebox is built.“It’s one thing to say you focus on security; it’s another to show due diligence, follow best practice, and prove that you stand by your word,” Ely said.

About Bluebox

Bluebox which was acquired in April 2016 by Lookout — a cybersecurity company focused in mobile security challenges — provides mobile application instrumentation to enhance app security and afford enterprises the ability to detect and respond to attacks. Their innovative solution addresses enterprise-level visibility, control, and security needs with the speed, ease of use, and privacy demanded by mobile users. Any company claiming to help secure others needs to be secure themselves.

Customer Profile
Security Software
Services Provided:
Application Penetration Testing External Penetration Testing Mobile Security Assessment

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