Put your defenses to the ultimate test

Red Team

Take on the attack scenarios that keep you up at night, sharpen your Blue Team's skills, and unlock the strategic value of Red Teaming- all with complete flexibility aligned to your security goals.


Tailor-Made For Your Objectives

By forming an understanding of your challenges, requirements, and goals, we work with you to define a red team engagement that suits your organization. Unlike one-size-fits-all red team services, Bishop Fox offers a modular, "building block" approach with each red team engagement.


Attackers have no bounds. Neither should testing.

Putting your defenses to the ultimate test, our Red Team covertly executes carefully crafted attacks to measure the efficacy of your Blue Team and their ability to shut down attackers before sensitive systems and data are compromised.


Test Your Resilience Against Advanced Skillsets and Innovative Attack Methods

Battle-tested Offensive Security Specialists

Uses the brightest minds in offensive security with decades of proven experience successfully breaking through even the most hardened defenses.

Diverse Ethical Hacking Skillsets

Assimilates a broad range of specialists into a unified engagement, ensuring that environments, systems, and applications are tested by assessors with extensive knowledge of their targets.

State-of-the-art Offensive Security Tools

Utilizes an arsenal of weapons, including open-source and privately developed security tools, to realistically emulate highly skilled threat actors and assess your defenses.

Alignment to the Highest Industry Standards

Combines industry best practices and proprietary methodologies that exceed even the most stringent frameworks and regulatory requirements.


Set the stage. Define your objectives. We'll do the rest.

Complete Attack Scenario Flexibility

Adapts testing without compromising realism to accommodate any environment, system, and target, including “crown jewel” programs.

Attack Type Customization

Accommodates virtually any type of attack scenario – ransomware, trusted insider, targeted threat group – leveraging playbooks and the latest methods observed in real-world attacks.

Pre-Determined Attack Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs)

Provides complete control to include or exclude specific tactics, techniques, and procedures designed to test your defensive measures.

Customer-specific Threat Intelligence

Conducts extensive reconnaissance to build a knowledge base of people, processes, and technologies that improve the accuracy and precision of an
attack execution.


Spar With the Best

Real-World Attack Emulation

Follows the MITRE ATT&CK framework to deploy cutting-edge attack methods that are aligned to the latest activities of advanced persistent threat groups (APTs) and emerging attack campaigns .

Covert Attack Application

Carries out carefully crafted defensive evasion techniques including obfuscation of files or information, permission or authentication modifications, scripting, masquerading, and more.     

Advanced Detection and Response Measurement

Gauges the performance of Blue Teams to identify elements of the attack, systems affected, and initiate measures to disrupt further malicious activity.

Defensive Weakness Discovery

Identifies tactical and strategic deficiencies across prevention, detection, and response capabilities including networks, systems, personnel, and data at potential risk.


Identify Your Weaknesses and Take Corrective Action

Detailed Attack Graphing

Performs in-depth attack graphing to chart possible paths of attack, including analysis of architecture, vulnerable systems, and data at risk.

Severity Scoring

Determines the potential impact of defensive gaps using a proprietary scoring method based on real-world observations and industry-standard methodologies such as OWASP and CVSS.  

Attack Timeline and Execution Pathway Summaries

Outlines timeframe of events with detailed breakdown of actions performed, defensive performance, and achievement against target objectives.

Detailed Findings Presentation and Reporting

Conducts a complete walkthrough of findings, with a live question and answer session, ensuring all stakeholders understand technical findings, risks, and recommendations.


What you can expect

A Skilled Attacker's View of Your Environment

Determined adversaries think differently. Get a real-world look at how targeted attackers gather intelligence on your environment and use it to their advantage.

Operationalize Unmatched Insights from the Best

Understand how highly skilled adversaries target your environmental weaknesses and execute attacks that can bypass your strongest security controls.

Discover Dangerous Blind Spots Before Attackers Do

What you don’t know could be your downfall. Proactively uncover susceptible entry points, inadequate security controls, and open pathways that could put your crown jewels at risk.

See How Defenses Stand Up to the Most Concerning Threats

Test your protection against your worst nightmare scenarios and most dreaded attack techniques with ultimate flexibility in the design of your engagement.

Measure Your Detection and Response Capabilities

A determined attacker will eventually breakthrough. Evaluate your Blue Team’s ability to identify and stop attacks carefully crafted to fly under their radar.

Design the experience you want to have

Don’t let simulations become a reality. Cut through the noise with prescriptive recommendations against paths of attack that put you at highest risk.

Peek Under The Hood

Learn the Bishop Fox approach to Red Teaming.

Bishop Fox’s Red Team methodology defines strategic objectives, various methodologies, knowledge types, and threat graphing in addition to summarizing typical engagement responsibilities. Download the complete methodology to see what you can expect when you work with us.


Meet Our Featured Fox


Trevin Edgeworth

Red Team Practice Director

Trevin Edgeworth is the Red Team Practice Director at Bishop Fox, where he focuses on building and leading best-in-class adversary emulation services to help customers of all sizes and industries strengthen their defenses against current and emerging threats.

Trevin has over 20 years of security experience; he has built and overseen red team programs for several Fortune 500 companies, including American Express, Capital One Financial, and Symantec Corporation.

Start defending forward. Get in touch today.

Whether you know exactly which services you need or want help in figuring out what solution is best for you, we can help.

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