Protect your stack before adversaries attack

Hybrid Application Assessment

Bishop Fox’s Hybrid Application Assessment hardens your applications against the highest caliber of modern threats drawing on decades of application security experience to uncover the full spectrum of vulnerabilities including the obscure and overlooked exposures that lie in the codebase.

Hybrid Application Assessment

Uncover application and codebase weaknesses before release.

DevOps is under pressure to release at record pace. What was once quarterly release cycles has shifted into monthly and even weekly sprints resulting in weaknesses that can make it into production. With 72% of attackers reporting they can find an exploitable weakness in under 10 hours, proactive testing is integral to outpacing adversaries to their targets.

Starting with code, we test your application against real-world attack techniques to identify security vulnerabilities more thoroughly. We deconstruct the applications’ architecture, configurations, languages, operations, and documented procedures. We carefully select experts experienced in attacking your specific application types and programming languages. Applying proprietary hacking tools across a blend of automated and manual review processes, our methodologies go beyond the OWASP Top 10 to illuminate the full spectrum of issues attackers will target in the real-world attack scenarios.

Cutting through the noise of automated scanning results, we focus your team on the details that matter including susceptible attack pathways and tactics used to gain initial access, traverse interconnected components, and compromise sensitive systems and data. Arming your security team with prescriptive remediation, all procedures are prioritized against exploitation likelihood and potential business impact. This critical information empowers your security and DevOps teams to seamlessly implement tactical and strategic mitigations without impacting the agility and speed of software development.

Secure your application from the start

Leverage Code in Your Assessments

Bishop Fox’s Hybrid Application Assessment combines automation with meticulous manual review ensuring the full spectrum of application-based vulnerabilities and codebase vulnerabilities are proactively eliminated before attackers have a fighting chance.

See Your Applications the Way an Attacker Does

Skilled adversaries don’t blindly attack. Neither do our experts.

Simulated Reconnaissance

Recreates the information-gathering techniques of skilled adversaries to uncover possible entry points and initial pathways including susceptible source-code threat actors could use to their advantage.

Source-Code Assisted Attack Surface Mapping
Deconstructs your application’s architecture, configurations, operations, logic flaws, validation procedures, cryptographic functions, and documented procedures ensuring attack simulations are applied to your application’s complete attack surface.

Attack Replication
Analyzes applications and their interconnected components using the same tactics, techniques, and procedures observed in real-world scenarios including testing of session management, authorization, authentication, configuration, data validation, and Denial of Service (DOS).

Cover the Unique Nature of Your Security Challenges

Not all applications are the same. We adapt engagements to meet your demands.

Dynamic Application Coverage
Leverages lessons from thousands of offensive application engagements, enabling review across a diverse range of applications, including web, thickclient, e-commerce, single page applications, APIs, and more.

Diverse Language Coverage
Integrates the shared knowledge of Bishop Fox experts fluent in programming languages such as Python, C, C#, C++, Java, JavaScript, GO, Swift, PHP, Rust, Objective C and more.

Flexible Delivery Models
Aligns the cadence of your testing from point in time to continuous testing to meet the speed and scale of your application development demands.

Discover the Full Spectrum of Weaknesses

Modern adversaries are experts at finding exposures. We’ll reveal the security gaps they aim for.

Complete Vulnerability Discovery
Applies industry best practices and battle-tested methodologies to reveal a comprehensive range of vulnerabilities including the OWASP Top 10: Injection, Broken Authentication, Sensitive Data Exposure, XML External Entities (XXE), Broken Access Control, Security Misconfiguration, Cross-site Scripting (XSS), Insecure Deserialization, Using Components with Known Vulnerabilities, Insufficient Logging and Monitoring.

Manual Source-Code Analysis
Conducts a thorough review, guided by the OWASP Code Review Guide, of your application’s source-code identifying bugs and security issues including programming standard violations.

Design and Implementation Error identification
Applies multiple criteria to architecture and design weaknesses including data validation, authentication, session management, authorizations, cryptography, error handling, logging, security configuration, and network architecture.

Cutting-edge Hacking Toolsets & Tactics
Leverages Bishop Fox’s proprietary hacking tools and research derived from 7,000+ application engagements ensuring your applications are assessed against novel security tactics.

Concentrate on the Issues That Put You at Risk

Not all findings are high-risk. Target corrective actions where it matters most.

Contextual Attack Insights

Maps the assessors attack pathways including detailed walk-through of tactics, techniques, and procedures used to gain initial access, traverse interconnected components, and compromise sensitive systems and data.

Exploit Likelihood Analysis

Determines the likelihood of discovered exposures being exercised by an attacker including details on threat-source motivation, nature of the vulnerability, and efficacy of mitigating controls.

Impact Analysis

Demonstrates the potential impact that security gaps and codebase issues could have on your organization, going deeper than traditional vulnerability assessments using classifications for informational, low, medium, high, or critical findings.

Executive & Detailed Findings

Tailors reporting to executive and technical audiences detailing the engagement process, findings, and recommendations aligned to security and DevOps objectives.

+ Optional: Remediation Validation through retesting is available

Peek Under the Hood

Explore Our Hybrid Application Assessment Methodology

Bishop Fox’s Hybrid Application Assessment combines the real-world attack techniques of application penetration testing with a targeted source code review to more thoroughly identify security vulnerabilities in the application.

Achieve your security goals

Go beyond an automated scan. Get intelligent insights that strengthen security and improve compliance.

Reveal the Full Extent of Your Attack Surface

On a long enough timeline attackers will find a way in. Proactively discover susceptible points of entry and codebase issues that keep adversaries on the outside looking in.

Uncover the Complete Spectrum of Application Weaknesses

One missed threat could spell disaster. Illuminate the hard to find and often overlooked issues adversaries know most security reviews will miss.

Adapt Engagements to Your Unique Security Demands

Applications are like DNA: no two are the same. Tailor engagements to the speed of your DevOps processes and uncover the flaws relevant to your application’s unique design.

Break Free from the Limitations of Automated Testing

Nothing replicates human ingenuity. Identify often overlooked business logic and codebase issues that require creativity and problem solving only manual review can reveal.

Expose Codebase Issues Before Attackers Do

Security issues can hide within the code. Proactively discover vulnerabilities and empower DevOps to address them before they fall into the hands of attackers.

Address Issues Before They Reach Production

Adversaries have the first mover advantage. Take back the upper hand by acting on the ones proven to have the highest likelihood and greatest potential impact to business operations.

Scaling up Google's Third-Party Security Program

When Google needed to ensure that their user data was being handled securely, they partnered with Bishop Fox to design a security assessment program that could validate the security posture of their 1,000+ G Suite partners. The result: the largest and most successful public third-party ecosystem testing program ever.

Inside the Fox Den

Meet Our Featured Fox


Tom Eston

VP of Consulting and Cosmos at Bishop Fox

Tom Eston is the VP of Consulting and Cosmos at Bishop Fox. Tom's work over his 15 years in cybersecurity has focused on application, network, and red team penetration testing as well as security and privacy advocacy. He has led multiple projects in the cybersecurity community, improved industry standard testing methodologies and is an experienced manager and leader. He is also the founder and co-host of the podcast The Shared Security Show; and a frequent speaker at user groups and international cybersecurity conferences including Black Hat, DEF CON, DerbyCon, SANS, InfoSec World, OWASP AppSec, and ShmooCon.

Start defending forward. Get in touch today.

We'd love to chat about your offensive security needs. We can help you determine the best solutions for your organization and accelerate your journey to defending forward.

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