Social Engineering

Go beyond conventional phishing exercises to explore the depths of how hackers can exploit your users, empowering you with insights to improve your security awareness program and related controls like email and file security.

Impactful Insights to Evolve Your Strategy

Tailor-made to Your Objectives.

By forming an understanding of your challenges, requirements, and goals, Bishop Fox works with you to define a Red Team engagement that meets the specific needs of your organization. Unlike one-size-fits-all Red Team services, Bishop Fox offers a “building block” approach that can include a social engineering exercise with any combination of the Red Team service methodologies.

Advanced Attack Emulation

Improve Resilience Against Social Engineering Attacks

By emulating all the stages of social engineering attacks – from pretexting to lure creation and payload delivery – Bishop Fox’s elite Red Team provides a clear understanding of how sophisticated social engineering techniques are executed and just how much damage is possible from a successful attack.

Red Team Expertise and Ingenuity

Test Your Defenses Against Real-World Social Engineering Tactics.

In-depth OSINT and Pretext Development
Every social engineering engagement is carefully crafted to your organization’s unique context, including logistics, user targeting, payload development, and more.

Multi-vector Approach
Leveraging enterprise chat, phone, and physical attack vectors provides a more accurate assessment of your organization’s resilience to a skilled adversary.

Complete Scenario Flexibility
Engagements are developed in collaboration with your security team to test both users and technical controls such as email, file, or physical security.

Understand how attackers exploit users

Get an Inside View of How Sophisticated Social Engineers Operate.

Attack Development Feedback Loop
Testing your users can be a sensitive endeavor. We work with you every step of the way in the development of the attack to make sure it strikes the right balance.

“Ride-along” with Elite Red Teamers
Get inside the head of a skilled attacker and see how TTPs are executed so you can apply that insight to sharpen your defenses.

Realistic Exploitation Attempts
Know just how far a real attacker could go about leveraging social engineering in combination with other advanced tactics that are typically used in Red Teaming.

Actionable Results

Evolve and Advance Your Awareness Program.

Post-engagement Report
You'll get a complete outline of the attack narrative with detailed breakdowns of actions performed, defensive performance, and results against target objectives.

Full Findings Presentation
Receive a complete walkthrough of findings to ensure all stakeholders understand technical findings, risks, and recommendations.

Recommendations for Program Improvement
Apply insights from the engagement to evolve your user risk, awareness, and culture program.

Social Engineering Key Benefits

What You Can Expect

Demonstrate the Potential Business Impact of Your User Risk

Accurately account for the potential consequences of an attacker successfully compromising one of your users and gauge your organization’s ability to respond.

Pressure-tested Security Investments & Controls

Verify the effectiveness of your security measures like email security systems, endpoint security, enterprise chat platforms, and physical security protocols.

Unique Insight Into How Your Users Could be “Hacked”

Get full transparency into all phases of a sophisticated social engineering campaign, providing novel intelligence to implement in your security program.

Augment Your Existing Approaches to User Testing & Risk Measurement

Apply fresh perspectives and data to the current initiatives and KPIs that make up your testing and awareness program.

Improved Communication of User Risk to Key Stakeholders

Capture key insights and detailed examples of user risk to leverage in reporting to your organization’s senior leadership and board.

Overall Improvement of Your User Risk & Awareness Program

Identify new strategies to better engage your users, promote a culture of security, and take your program to the next level.

Peek Under The Hood

Explore the Bishop Fox Approach to Social Engineering.

Our methodology is designed to challenge your defenses by attempting to exploit target individuals, departments, and systems through various social engineering techniques. Download the complete methodology to see what you can expect when you work with us.


Meet Our Featured Fox


Alethe Denis

Senior Security Consultant

Alethe Denis is a Senior Security Consultant at Bishop Fox. She is best known for social engineering, open-source intelligence (OSINT), and performing security assessments and trainings for both the private and public sectors with emphasis on critical infrastructure organizations. Alethe was awarded a DEFCON Black Badge at DEFCON 27 for winning the 10th annual Social Engineering Capture the Flag (SECTF) contest. Using both OSINT and social engineering skills, she compromised her target Fortune 500 company using just a telephone. She, along with her teammates, received a bronze, silver, most valuable OSINT, and Black Badge Award from a series of TraceLabs capture-the-flag contests, including first place in the August 2020 DEFCON edition of the TraceLabs Missing Persons OSINT CTF.

Start defending forward. Get in touch today.

Whether you know exactly which services you need or want help in figuring out what solution is best for you, we can help.

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