Secure Your Hardware Early in the Product Lifecycle

IoT & Product Security Review

Keep security issues from interfering with your products success by leveraging Bishop Fox and our multi-point testing methodology that employs cutting-edge tactics and techniques your device will face in real-world attack scenarios.

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Build Devices to Withstand Sophisticated Attacks

Secure Hardware from the Start

Bishop Fox's IoT & Product Security Review stands alone in its depth and breadth of security testing for interconnected devices. Accommodating an extensive range of products, our seasoned team of ethical hackers are skilled in compromising smart devices, consumer products, industrial control systems, IoT, and everything in between. 

 Starting with a high-fidelity map of your device’s complete attack surface, we deconstruct your device down to the code, application, electrical components, and interdependencies that attackers could use to their advantage. Applying automation at the right places to discover known vulnerabilities, we reserve our battle-tested experts to break down those hard-to-find security issues that lie deep within product functionality. From fuzzing to in-depth code analysis, our multi-point methodology performs the same tactics, tools, and techniques your devices will likely face in a real-world attack. 

This meticulous process ensures even the most obscure threats and edge-case scenarios are accounted for. Arming your team with prescriptive actions based on the likelihood and severity of exploitation, remediation can be implemented earlier in the development process ultimately helping organizations avoid costly redesigns and late-stage disruption.

Harmonize Your Product Development Lifecycle

Prioritize Security in Product Development

Our IoT & Product Security Review engagement covers the full spectrum of devices and their ecosystems. As a result, we can deliver critical insights into tactical and strategic mitigations that become foundational to the product development life cycle.

Assess the unique and complex attributes across all your interconnected devices.

Modern devices are diverse and complex. From the circuit level to the cloud, we have you covered.

Diverse Device Coverage 

Encompasses an extensive range of interconnected devices leveraging a seasoned team of ethical hackers skilled in compromising smart devices, consumer products, industrial applications, IoT, and everything in between.

Complete Ecosystem Reconnaissance

Evaluates the complete scope of the product’s reach whether it interacts with an application, network, cloud or all three to uncover how a compromise can take place.

Extensive Code and Programming Language Expertise

Covers the complexity of interconnected device programming with experts versed in a wide variety of coding languages such as C, C++, Rust, Verilog, VHDL, Java, Ruby, Python and more.

Full Product Dissection

Inspects devices down to the electronic components including PCBs, chips, storage, debugging interfaces, and bus protocols to illuminate all potential blind spots attackers could use to their advantage.

Interdependent Element Review

Extends analyses to all product interdependencies including firmware, protocols, connected systems hardware, RF, and network connections.

Threat Modeling

Integrates lessons from thousands of device testing engagements to build a focused attack plan based on the most likely type of threat actor, their objectives, actions, and pathways to success.

Harness the power of automation and human expertise

Automation reviews at scale. Humans find what’s missed. We use the best of both.

Attack Surface Mapping

Discovers and documents a complete picture of the device’s attack surface enabling thorough identification of vulnerable entry points and internal weaknesses adversaries could target.

Cutting-Edge Tools and Automation

Combines automated scanning and Bishop Fox’s proprietary toolsets to uncover well-known vulnerabilities and often missed flaws within devices.

Manual Validation and Testing

Utilizes a deep bench of device security experts to confirm automated findings and perform manual, hands-on testing to reveal critical security issues that automation cannot.

Stringent Framework Alignment

Incorporates OWASP's Code Review Guide and Bishop Fox's proprietary methodologies covering an extensive range of risks and vulnerabilities observed in real-world attacks.

Uncover the full extent of security risks and vulnerabilities.

One exposure could compromise the entire device ecosystem. We uncover every attacker opportunity.

Automated and Manual Fuzzing

Floods the device with invalid, unexpected, or random data while monitoring for crashes, failed assertions, or memory leaks.

Key Binaries Dissection

Reverse engineers key binaries and extend vulnerability discovery beyond the surface level by decompiling executables when source code is unavailable.

Multi-point Point Software Testing Methodology

Subjects' devices and their interconnected components to an in-depth methodology using a variety of real-world observed tactics, tools, and techniques including network sniffers; attack proxies; file system, process, and memory analysis tools; hardware and software debuggers; and custom-built attack tools to uncover critical security flaws.

Deep Code Analysis

Meticulously analyzes multiple categories of source code vulnerabilities including race conditions, cryptographic weaknesses, validation bypasses, buffer overflows and more.

Gain the first mover advantage by remediating risks before attackers can exploit them.

Avoid costly redesigns. Address security issues early in the product lifecycle.

Impact Analysis and Severity Scoring

Measures the potential impact that security gaps have on your organization and its customers using a proprietary scoring method based on real-world observations and industry-standard methodologies such as OWASP and CVSS.

Likelihood Determination Analysis

Determines the likelihood of discovered exposures being exercised by an attacker including details on threat-source motivation, nature of the vulnerability, and efficacy of mitigating controls.

Tailored Remediation and Reproduction Steps

Provides corrective actions that address tactical and strategic issues across vulnerable product infrastructure with detailed step-by-step breakdowns that accelerate corrective action.

Executive and Detailed Finding Breakdowns

Conducts a detailed walkthrough supplying technical and executive level reporting that communicates the engagement process, findings, and recommendations aligned to business and operational objectives.

Key Benefits

Achieve IoT & Product Security with Ease

Extend Expertise to Accommodate Any Devices and its Unique Attributes

Alleviate the burden of hiring and retaining hard to find experts skilled in deconstructing devices and uncovering potential attacker pathways.

Get a Comprehensive View of Your Device’s Attack Surface

From the circuit level to the cloud, uncover all vectors of attack with a complete breakdown of your product’s applications, code, internal components, and connected networks.

See Your Device Through the Lens of a Skilled Attacker

Understand how a targeted adversary would search for common vulnerabilities and often missed security issues hidden deep within critical functionality.

Discover Known Vulnerabilities and Often Missed Edge Cases

Uncover the full extent of security issues using the same tactics and techniques your devices are likely to face in real-world attack scenarios.

Focus Corrective Actions Where It’s Needed Most

Concentrate remediation on issues that have the greatest impact with likelihood determination and severity scoring based on threat-source motivation, nature of the vulnerability, and mitigating controls.

Address Issues Earlier in the Product Lifecycle

Avoid costly redesigns and disruptive late-stage changes with prescriptive actions that design teams can integrate earlier in the development process.

Peek Under The Hood

Explore our IoT & Product Security Methodology

Bishop Fox’s IoT & Product Security Review methodology addresses security issues across the product development lifecycle with in-depth analysis of hardware, threats, and countermeasures that become integral to ongoing product development. Download the complete methodology to see what you can expect when you work with us.

Are you ready? Start defending forward.

Are you ready to start your product security review?

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