Trust Our Experts to Interrogate Your Code

Bishop Fox’s Secure Code Review combines cutting-edge automation with meticulous manual review ensuring the full spectrum of code-based vulnerabilities are proactively eliminated before attackers have a fighting chance.

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Comprehensively Identify All Code-Related Vulnerabilities

Secure Your Software Development Lifecycle

Bishop Fox’s Secure Code Review overcomes the limitations of standalone automated solutions and manual reviews. Combining best-in-class application scanning technology with deep domain expertise, we execute a hybrid approach that offers a more complete analysis of code, addressing the complex challenges of delivering secure applications without impeding scale or speed.

Our experts are fluent in a broad range of programming languages and best practices for utilizing commercial and proprietary tooling, which makes us uniquely capable of discovering code-based issues across a broad range of applications. From technical flaws to business logic errors, we leave no stone unturned, covering the full spectrum of vulnerabilities that real-world adversaries specifically target.

We arm your team with actionable findings and provide comprehensive reporting and detailed walkthroughs that enable you to prioritize remediation of high severity issues, while empowering proactive change to minimize bugs in future development lifecycles.

Secure Your Code From the Start

Strengthen Your Coding Practices

Bishop Fox’s Secure Code Review combines cutting-edge automation with meticulous manual review ensuring the full spectrum of code-based vulnerabilities are proactively eliminated before attackers have a fighting chance.

The power of automation and human intuition

Automation inspects code at scale. Humans find what’s missed. We use the best of both.

Architecture Review
Performs in-depth analysis of an application’s structure and components including identification of languages, frameworks, databases, message queues, and more.

Software Composition Analysis

Executes automated review of an application’s code base identifying all open-source components, their license compliance data, and any security vulnerabilities.

Static Analysis Security Testing

Applies best-in-class application code scanning technology enabling analysis and identification of known code patterns that lead to vulnerabilities.

Manual Code Review
Incorporates insights from experts with decades of development experience ensuring code is meticulously evaluated for critical security components that automation often overlooks.

Cover the complete spectrum of application code

Applications and programming languages are vast and complex. We're fluent in their security challenges.

Extensive Programming Language Coverage
Integrates the shared knowledge of Bishop Fox experts fluent in programming languages such as Python, C, C#, C++, Java, JavaScript, GO, Swift, R, PHP, and more.

Diverse Application Reach
Leverages lessons from thousands of offensive application engagements, enabling code review across a diverse range of applications, including web, database, graphic, word processing, multimedia, education, and more.

Flexible Assessment Options
Enables complete engagement control with three levels of depth, including:

  • Baseline: Static Analysis Security Testing + Expert Validation
  • Targeted: Static Analysis Security Testing + Expert Validation + Manual Code Review
  • In-depth: Static Analysis Security Testing + Expert Validation + Manual Code Review + Threat Modeling

    Uncover weaknesses down to the line of code

    Discovery is in the details. We leave no line of code untouched.

    Attack Surface Mapping
    Constructs a complete picture of the application enabling identification of overlooked edge cases and pinpoint accuracy of issues down to the module and line of code.

    Stringent Framework Alignment
    Incorporates OWASP’s Code Review Guide and Bishop Fox’s proprietary methodologies covering an extensive range of risks and vulnerabilities observed in real-world attacks.

    Automated Vulnerability Discovery
    Leverages automation to search codebases for well-known and understood code patterns that lead to vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, LDAP injection, and more.

    Manual Vulnerability Discovery
    Leverages manual review to identify design or implementation mistakes in critical functionality such as authentication, authorization, data protection, encryption, account management, or other sensitive business logic that may impact security.

    Improve secure coding practices

    Address issues before they make it into production. Improve processes for the long run.

    Findings Deep Dive
    Conducts a detailed walkthrough of the engagement, with a live question and answer session, ensuring development and security teams understand findings and recommendations that harden susceptible code.

    Pinpoint Remediation
    Provides corrective actions that address tactical and strategic issues across vulnerable code and insecure development processes.

    Detailed Reporting
    Supplies technical and Executive level reporting that communicates engagement processes, findings, and recommendations aligned to business and operational objectives.

    Secure Coding Guidance
    Supports secure coding practices that address issues earlier in the Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC).

    Key Benefits

    Proactively Close Code-Based Security Gaps

    Construct a Complete View of the Code-based Attack Surface

    Uncover the full extent of security-related components with a complete breakdown of your application’s infrastructure, frameworks, and languages.

    Review Code Through the Lens of a Skilled Attacker

    Understand how a targeted adversary would search for common vulnerabilities and often missed security issues hidden deep within critical functionality.

    Discover Vulnerabilities Real-world Adversaries Specifically Target

    Identify all vulnerable code patterns and design or implementation mistakes that could leave your applications exposed in post-production environments.

    Address Issues Before They Make It into Production

    Eliminate remediation guesswork with actionable guidance that pinpoints changes down to the exact module and line of code.

    Avoid Costly Fixes and Downtime in Post-Production

    Minimize the potential for outages and time invested in identifying, fixing, and debugging vulnerabilities in later development stages.

    Strengthen Secure Coding Practices Across Future Development Lifecycle

    Avoid repeating the same mistakes with secure coding guidance that shifts the paradigm of thought for development teams.


    Learn the Bishop Fox approach to Secure Code Review.

    Bishop Fox’s Secure Code Review methodology identifies code-level vulnerabilities by combining automated and manual testing techniques.

    Are you ready? Start defending forward.

    We'd love to chat about your offensive security needs. We can help you determine the best solutions for your organization and accelerate your journey to defending forward.

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