Senior Security Consultant Alethe Denis is set to speak at Converge Security Conference

September 30 at 1:30 PM
Anaheim, CA

Converge Security Conference brings together security thought leaders to engage across the cyber, physical, and operational security domains. Attendees will learn from top speakers, explore blended threats, and improve collaboration. Bishop Fox's Alethe Denis is a speaker at this year's event, and she will be present on the below topic.

"12 Monkeys: Curtains for Security Theatre"

The desire to be secure has been replaced by the desire to be blameless. Return to the original purpose of security; protecting people. Then explore the convergence of compliance and technical security capabilities as they relate to business, data, people, and processes. What is our ultimate goal? How do we reshape the governance landscape to support those information security best practices, rather than creating more administrative work and hoops to jump through? Let’s go beyond the ability to claim compliance and make our organizations more secure and ultimately reduce risk.

About the speaker, Alethe Denis

Senior Security Consultant

Alethe Denis is a Senior Security Consultant at Bishop Fox. She is best known for social engineering, open-source intelligence (OSINT), and performing security assessments and trainings for both the private and public sectors with emphasis on critical infrastructure organizations. Alethe was awarded a DEF CON Black Badge at DEF CON 27 for Winning the 10th annual Social Engineering Capture the Flag (SECTF) contest. Using both OSINT and Social Engineering skills, she compromised her target Fortune 500 company using just a telephone. She, along with her teammates, received a bronze, silver, most valuable OSINT, and black badge award from a series of TraceLabs capture-the-flag contests, including first place in

She’s a frequent conference speaker and podcast guest, including speaking at DerbyCon, BsidesSF and ConINT, as well as an appearance on the TraceLabs, Layer 8 Conference, and Darknet Diaries podcasts.

Alethe is always focused on giving back to the information and cybersecurity community, including her work conducting free Security Awareness Trainings and hosting workshops for people who want to get into the cybersecurity industry.

More by Alethe

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