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What is security testing?

Read this guide to learn about the types of security testing along with best practices and trends for greater software security. You’ll explore the role of automated security testing tools, including AI-powered tools, and see the importance of incorporating security testing into every phase of software development.

Security testing definition

Security testing is a business-critical component of the software development lifecycle (SDLC) because it identifies vulnerabilities and threats in systems, networks, and software applications. Its objective is to protect against unauthorized access, data breaches, and data compromises. Through regular security testing practices, organizations demonstrate their commitment to safeguarding sensitive information and maintaining the trust of customers and stakeholders.

Types of security testing

  • Vulnerability scanning systematically scans software for weaknesses and potential entry points for cyberthreats, such as misconfigured systems, weak passwords, and unpatched software.

  • Penetration testing takes the proactive approach of simulating real-world cyberattacks. By employing ethical hackers to mimic the tactics of malicious actors, penetration testing provides valuable insights into the software’s strengths and weaknesses.

  • Application security testing, also referred to as AppSec, dives deep into the code, scrutinizing it for vulnerabilities and making sure it adheres to security standards. Common testing tools include static application security testing (SAST) for scanning code while it’s not running, dynamic application security testing (DAST) for checking active web applications, and interactive application security testing (IAST) for both dynamic and interactive testing. Additionally, software composition analysis (SCA) identifies security vulnerabilities within open source and third-party commercial components used within an application.

  • Fuzz testing is designed to reveal security vulnerabilities and bugs in source code that might not be found using traditional methods. This automated software testing technique involves putting invalid or random data into a software program and observing its behavior.

  • Shift left testing is a strategy that helps development teams deliver software that’s more efficient, secure, and reliable. By making testing an integral part of each development phase of the SDLC, shift left testing supports earlier detection and resolution of vulnerabilities. This proactive approach improves software quality and reduces costs and time associated with fixing issues later in the development cycle.

  • Risk assessment plays a pivotal role in providing a holistic view of the organization's security posture. By evaluating the likelihood and potential impact of various security threats, risk assessment empowers decision-makers to prioritize their efforts and resources towards mitigating the most critical risks. This enhances the organization’s overall security resilience.

Objectives of security testing

Security testing is designed to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in software applications so they can be remediated. Additionally, testing assesses the effectiveness of existing security controls by subjecting applications to simulated cyberattacks and security breaches. This proactive approach helps organizations fine-tune their security strategies, optimize resource allocation, and prioritize investments in security measures that deliver the greatest impact.

Security testing also helps support compliance with standards and regulations. Examples include:

  • The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) for credit card data.

  • The System and Organization Controls 2 (SOC 2) for handling data stored in the cloud.

  • The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) for safeguarding sensitive patient information.

Security testing in software development

In software development, security testing takes place during these stages:

  • Planning and scoping outline security requirements and objectives to determine the scope and depth of security testing necessary. This early involvement sets the foundation for an effective security strategy that’s tailored to the application.

  • Test environment setup involves configuring environments that mimic real-world scenarios.

  • Test case design and execution focus on creating scenarios that simulate potential security breaches to evaluate the resilience of the software.

  • Vulnerability analysis and reporting play a pivotal role in identifying and documenting security weaknesses and provide actionable insights to prioritize remediation efforts.

  • Remediation involves addressing identified vulnerabilities through code fixes, configuration changes, or the implementation of additional security controls.

  • Retesting verifies the effectiveness of remediation efforts and makes sure the software application maintains its integrity and security posture throughout its lifecycle.

Common security testing techniques

  • Input validation is a foundational practice that examines user inputs to prevent malicious code injection and system manipulation. By validating the integrity of input data formats, lengths, and ranges, input validation helps mitigate risks like SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).

  • Authentication and authorization testing focus on verifying user identities and regulating access to sensitive resources. Authentication testing evaluates the effectiveness of mechanisms used to validate user credentials and gain access to systems, while authorization testing scrutinizes access controls to make sure users have appropriate privileges to data and perform certain tasks. By rigorously testing authentication and authorization mechanisms, organizations uncover vulnerabilities such as weak password policies and privilege escalation risks. This reduces the potential for unauthorized access and data breaches.

  • Cryptography testing plays a vital role in securing data storage and transmission. It evaluates encryption algorithms, key management practices, and cryptographic protocols used to protect data. By subjecting cryptographic implementations to rigorous testing, organizations identify weaknesses including key leakage and encryption misconfigurations.

Security testing tools

Automated software security testing tools are valuable assets to development teams because they can significantly boost efficiency and scalability. By streamlining vulnerability identification and remediation processes, automated tools empower teams to proactively safeguard systems against evolving threats. For example:

  • Penetration testing tools simulate real-world cyberattacks to assess system and application resilience against potential threats.

  • Vulnerability scanning tools scan networks and applications to identify known vulnerabilities and misconfigurations. These tools make it easier for teams to prioritize remediation efforts based on risk severity.

  • Code analysis tools scrutinize and review application code for security flaws and coding best practices. These tools facilitate early detection and resolution of vulnerabilities during the SDLC.

AI-powered security testing tools

AI-powered tools help development teams strengthen the overall security posture of their applications. For example, GitHub Advanced Security offers AI-powered application security testing tools that are embedded in the DevOps workflow, including:

  • Code scanning, which automates the detection of vulnerabilities. This tool scans code for security issues as it’s being written and integrates the results natively into the developer workflow.

  • CodeQL, a sematic code engine that queries code as data. CodeQL finds security issues deep in the code and identifies vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and remote code execution.

  • Secret scanning, which watches repositories for known secret formats and notifies developers when secrets are found.

Challenges and considerations in security testing

The complexity of modern software systems and the evolving nature of cyberthreats make security testing in software a tremendous challenge. The tactics of malicious actors are continuously advancing, resulting in increasingly sophisticated threats. Additionally, it can be difficult for organizations to strike a balance between implementing robust security measures and building user-friendly experiences.

Addressing the dynamic nature of cybersecurity threats requires a continuous approach to threat modeling. Threat modeling involves systematically analyzing an application's architecture, design, functionality, and potential attack surfaces to anticipate and mitigate potential security risks. It's an iterative process that requires constant evaluation and adaptation to evolving security landscapes. By incorporating threat modeling early in the development process and revisiting it regularly, organizations can proactively identify and prioritize potential risks. This allows for the timely implementation of mitigating controls and security measures.

Integration of security testing in the SDLC

To reduce the risk of data breaches, improve compliance, and deliver highly secure software faster, organizations are adopting DevSecOps. DevSecOps bakes security testing throughout the phases of the SDLC, making it easier to identify potential vulnerabilities early, when they’re easier and less expensive to fix. It also facilitates the implementation of appropriate security measures before issues become critical.

Development, security, and operations teams must collaborate effectively to successfully implement DevSecOps. Close coordination between these teams is needed to make sure that security considerations are applied throughout the SDLC. This collaborative approach fosters a culture of shared responsibility and accountability, where security becomes an integral aspect of software development rather than an afterthought.

Automation is also vital for efficient and effective security testing throughout the SDLC. Manual methods are time-consuming, resource-intensive, and prone to errors. With automation tools, organizations can automate routine security tests like vulnerability scans, penetration testing, and code analysis. Additionally, automation scales security testing efforts across diverse environments and deployment pipelines. It also supports consistent security standards.

Best practices for effective security testing

To support the safety and reliability of software products, best practices for security testing include:

  • Integrating security into software planning. Addressing security concerns early in the process helps identify potential vulnerabilities before they become deeply entrenched in the software architecture. This proactive approach saves time and resources by mitigating security risks at the outset rather than dealing with them later when they’re more costly and time-consuming to fix. Additionally, incorporating security into the planning phase allows organizations to align security objectives more effectively with business goals. This integration makes security an integral part of the overall project plan, rather than an afterthought or a separate consideration.

  • Implementing threat modeling. This structured approach allows teams to identify, assess, and prioritize potential security threats early in the development process. Overall, it improves the security posture of the application or system being developed.

  • Performing penetration testing. Penetration testing provides a realistic assessment of an organization's security posture by mimicking the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by actual attackers. By simulating real-world attacks, pentesters can uncover security flaws that may not be apparent through other security testing methods.

  • Adopting DevSecOps principles. By integrating security practices into every stage of the SDLC, DevSecOps principles support continuous security and delivery, automate security testing and monitoring, and foster collaboration among development, security, and operations teams. This approach enhances resilience, accelerates delivery cycles, and minimizes the risk of security breaches.

Frequently asked questions

What are some types of security testing?

Vulnerability scanning systematically scans software for weaknesses and potential entry points for cyberthreats, penetration testing simulates real-world cyberattacks, and application security testing scrutinizes code for vulnerabilities and compliance with security standards. In addition, risk assessment provides a holistic view of an organization's security posture.

Is security testing part of quality assurance (QA)?

Yes, security testing is a vital part of QA processes, as it verifies that software systems meet security standards and protect against potential threats. By identifying vulnerabilities and weaknesses in applications, security testing contributes to software quality and reliability.

What is security control testing?

Security control testing assesses the effectiveness of a system’s or organization’s security measures to make sure they adequately mitigate risks and protect against potential threats. It typically involves simulating real-world scenarios to evaluate the functionality, reliability, and robustness of the security controls.

What tool is used for security testing?

Automated security testing tools empower organizations to conduct comprehensive security assessments without extensive manual intervention. These include penetration testing tools for simulating real-world cyberattacks, vulnerability scanning tools, and code analysis tools. AI-powered security testing tools find security issues deep in the code, scan repositories for known secret formats, and help developers find and fix code as it’s written.

How do you perform security testing?

Security testing is typically performed by systematically evaluating various aspects of a system or application for potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses. This process involves conducting assessments such as penetration testing, vulnerability scanning, code review, and security analysis, to identify security flaws and mitigate risks.

What are the four stages of security testing methodology?

The four stages of security testing methodology typically include planning and preparation, execution, analysis and reporting, and remediation. Planning involves defining objectives and strategies, execution entails implementing tests, analysis and reporting assessing findings, and remediation focuses on addressing identified vulnerabilities.

Why is security testing needed?

Security testing is essential for identifying and mitigating potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses in software systems, networks, and applications. It helps safeguard sensitive data, protect against cyberthreats, and maintain compliance with industry regulations and standards. By proactively identifying and addressing security risks, security testing helps uphold the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of critical assets and information.

What is the difference between security test and pentest?

The main difference between a security test and a pentest lies in the scope and methodology. A security test typically examines specific aspects of a system or application for vulnerabilities, while a pentest simulates real-world attacks to assess the overall security posture of a system or network.

Who should perform security testing?

Security testing should be an integral part of the software development lifecycle, involving collaboration between development, security, and operations teams. In this approach, security testing is performed by developers, security specialists, and operations personnel. Integrating security testing throughout the development process supports proactive identification and mitigation of vulnerabilities and fosters a culture of continuous security improvement within the organization.